In order to heal food allergies, the underlying causes must be addressed. That begs the question, "What actually causes food allergies and autism?" I will list here in summary form the causes and steps of healing and expand on them on the other pages or tabs on this site.There is hope! These disorders can often be greatly improved or even completely reversed!
I have found 4 causes of allergies: toxic overload, an improperly functioning immune system, the yeast factor and heavy metal toxicity. These causes are not necessarily totally separate, individual causes, but are linked and intertwined.
"Overload of toxins? What? Where would that come from, especially in a baby?" That is what I thought when I first read about this idea. I thought, "I'm not around toxic chemicals, I eat pretty healthy...I'm not sure this applies to us, but just in case, I'll look into toxicity." Whoa, I was not prepared for what I found. For more information look at my Toxicity page.
Improperly Functioning Immune System. This will get a tad technical, but stick with me. One portion of the immune system has two main division - Th1 and Th2 (or thymus-helper 1 & 2). They work closely together, yet have different jobs. It's imperative that they have balance. When Th2 becomes overactive while Th1 becomes under active, you have a situation where Th2 triggers production of antibodies for things it's not suppose to attack. Th2 is important, it's suppose to trigger attacks on bacteria, viruses and pathogens; but not your own body (autoimmune disorders) and not normal healthy foods like fruits and veggies. How does this reversal occur? There are a few possibilities, which include: yeast overgrowth, stress, toxins in the body including heavy metals, and a big one - vaccines. Kenneth Bock, author of Healing the New Childhood Epidemics (Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies) says, "This imbalance in the immune the main reason that there is now an epidemic of asthma and allergies. We are a Th-2 skewed society. It's just one more result of too much toxicity."
Where do metals come from? All over - the air, water, food (especially high fructose corn syrup), food packaging, vaccines, pots and pans for cooking, medications (both prescription and over the counter such as antacids), etc. We all know the dangers of lead and mercury, but aluminum, arsenic, tin, etc can be just as damaging and their dangers and sources are not as widely publicized. In fact, much cookware is made from aluminum, we grill on aluminum foil, etc. Be aware - it's a significant health hazard!
So, what do you do? Lighten your body's load! Give it time, opportunity, and the tools it needs to clean house and heal. The more toxic you are or the older you are, the longer that can take.
Healing Allergies, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Asthma, and ADHD
- First, stop putting bad stuff in!
- Second, only put good stuff in!
- Third, get the old toxic build-up out!
Only Put In Good Stuff. Feed the best, purest nutrition possible, especially good fats! Use supplements like probiotics, digestive enzymes, coconut oil and coconut milk, flaxseeds, multivitamin/multimineral (a good one based on whole foods, such as spirulina, dulse, or kelp, not one from the grocery store). Use only non-toxic cleaners, soaps, detergents, insect control, etc.
Get the Toxins Out. Clear out the detox/elimination pathways, kill the yeast, pull out heavy metal, etc! Most of this can be done with natural methods such as herbs, foods, supplements, clays, etc.
An Outline of the Process:
Remove Chemicals (toxins) from your Immediate Food and Environment. This includes: water, air, cleaners, toiletries, lotions, soaps, detergents, pharmaceuticals, cooking equipment, electromagnetic fields (EMF's), pesticides, fire retardants, etc. Check out the Toxicity page for more information.
Vaccines. Don't forget to look into vaccines and make an educated decision. Educated from all perspectives, not just from the literature put out by vaccine companies, or your doctor - because your doctor most likely only has the information put out by vaccine companies too.
Give the Best Nutrition Possible. Organic whole foods as much as possible and lots of pure water. Also, nutritional supplements to help detox and rebuild are crucial, needs vary by the individual though. Check out the Nutrition page to learn more. Add fermented or cultured foods.
Detoxify the Body and Address Deficiencies, Yeast, or Heavy Metals. For allergies, this may start with NAET or BioSET. For autism, other professional help such as a doctor, naturopath, homeopath or herbalist specializing in this area of detoxification and neurotoxic conditions; as well as and chiropractic neurology. DAN (Defeat Autism Now) doctors are medical doctor who treat Autism from the biomedical approach. See Professsional Help for more information.
Therapy. Therapies such as speech, occupational, ABA, etc. These are certainly helpful, but notice where they place on the order of doing things. Cleaning up the inner environment and giving the support it needs through nutrition, detox, and supplementation is crucial. To skip right to this one would be like putting a roof on a house, but neglecting to lay the foundation and build the walls just have a pyramid on the ground. Would it be better than no shelter? Yes. But is it a fully functional house? No, far from it.
Future Kids. Moms and Dads, if you have young kids struggling with these issues; and you want to have more kids, you need to work on this too. Although I don't agree that it's mainly genetic, toxicity can be "inherited" by passing it on during conception and pregnancy. So check out the Prevention post in addition to this other information.