If a child is on the autism spectrum of disorders, they have food
allergies. Period. The two go together. It doesn’t necessarily go the
other way, obviously – the presence of allergies certainly doesn’t mean
there is a developmental delay present. For general developmental
delays, and even in some cases of Autism, the question is, “Do the
allergies cause the developmental problem, or are the allergies just a
co-existing problem?” In some cases, food allergies, or sensitivities,
can cause the developmental delay. The body’s reaction to foods can so
affect the child’s development, ability of the brain to function, and
nervous system that it can actually cause the developmental delay.
However, in other cases, it may be a co-existing factor manifesting
from the improperly operating (and overloaded) immune system and other
underlying physical factors (toxic overload, yeast overgrowth, leaky
gut, heavy metals, poorly functioning detoxification pathways) that are
also causing the developmental delay and/or autism. Allergies stem from
the same causes that autism, ADD/ADHD, and asthma stem from, so either
way, the underlying factors are critical whether you want to heal
from autism or only from allergies.
Although having food allergies or sensitivities is common in infants
and their still very immature immune system easily gets overwhelmed, it
is possible that as their immune system develops as they get older, they
will “outgrow” the food allergy. However, taking every measure to
support their immune system and not further overwhelm it with additional
toxins is a very wise idea. A few common signs of food
allergies/sensitivities, especially in babies, are reflux, projectile
vomiting, crying for hours (colicy), raspy breathing, recurring ear
infections, diarrhea and/or constipation, changes in poop color
particularly to green, and eczema and rashes.
Something to be aware of – if you are finding your child has food
allergies or sensitivities to many different things, be on the look out
for developmental delays. It’s a sign that the child has many toxins in
their system, aren’t clearing them out at an adequate rate, and their
immune system is overloaded.
So it’s kind of a, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”
question. Do allergies cause developmental delay or is it part of the
autism or delay itself? Either way, the food allergies cause great
irritation to the body and interfere with brain development and function and
will hinder any therapies or treatment toward the healing of autism
or developmental delay if they are not discovered and dealt with.
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